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Missouri arboretum created under direction of board of regents of Northwest Missouri State University.

174.750. There is hereby created the "密苏里植物园", 在树, 灌木, and herbaceous and other types of plants shall be planted, 种植, and cultivated for scientific and educational purposes. The Missouri arboretum shall be under the direction, 控制, and supervision of the board of regents of Northwest Missouri State University.

(L. 1993 S.B. 第84§14小节. 1)

Director of the arboretum, appointment--powers and duties--director to be only employee of state.

174.753. 1. The director of the Missouri arboretum may be appointed by the president of the university and approved by the board of regents of Northwest Missouri State University.

2. The director of the Missouri arboretum may:

  1. 收购, 存档, 过程, and disseminate information on horticultural and botanical resources that are or could be of value to the governor, 大会成员, and other policy- and decision-makers in this state;
  2. Act as a representative of the state in horticultural matters as pertains to agriculture, both within and outside the state when necessary or appropriate, or when requested to do so by a proper authority, which shall include the legislative and executive branches of this state;
  3. Conduct interpretative programs, 调查, and research pertaining to horticulture and botanical resources, 包括, 但不限于, 本地的 woody plant and certain herbaceous plant species distribution in this state, their relationships to each other and certain faunae and their environment as it pertains to agriculture and horticulture;
  4. 维护 plant inventories on or near the Northwest Missouri State University campus in natural or contrived ecosystems;
  5. Establish a depository for preservation of live, 本地的, 适应性植物胚质, and the arboretum may act as a distribution source of such germ plasm for cooperating affiliated arboretums involved in plant evaluation, 教学和研究项目;
  6. 维护, as part of the statewide arboretum plant collections, plants which are representative of but not necessarily restricted to the flora and plant communities of Missouri, which among other benefits will support research and investigative programs;
  7. Contract with private entities or state agencies to assist in training of students and the citizenry with respect to 本地的 and introduced woody and herbaceous plant materials and their importance to Missouri. In connection therewith, the director may establish a graduate level internship program;
  8. The director shall be the only state employee of the Missouri arboretum.

(L. 1993 S.B. 84§14分节. 2, 3)

Arboretum establishment on Northwest State University campus not to limit research by other 大学 or 大学.

174.755. The establishment of the Missouri arboretum on the Northwest Missouri State University campus shall in no way preclude or limit the research and educational activities concerning biological and botanical resources in natural or contrived areas by other 大学, 大学, 或其他政府机构. The Missouri arboretum shall provide support for such activities through data bases and monitoring activities.

(L. 1993 S.B. 第84§14小节. 4)

Director to certify copies of resource record reproduction--director to make annual report to board of regents.

174.757. 1. The director may certify copies as being authentic reproductions of arboretum resource records held in the state.

2. The director shall present a report each year to the Northwest Missouri State University board of regents.

(L. 1993 S.B. 84§14分节. 5, 6)

Friends of Missouri arboretum to be private support group.

174.759. 私人互助小组, the Friends of the 密苏里植物园, may be established to provide funding encouragement for the arboretum. The director shall be the chief operating officer of the private support group.

(L. 1993 S.B. 第84§14小节. 7)

Qualified arboretum sites to be accepted as established members of the arboretum for diverse locations to test plants and provide local education.

174.761. The Missouri arboretum may accept qualified arboretum sites as established members of the arboretum, in order to have diverse locations in which to test plants, to maintain indigenous plant populations, or to provide a local educational resource. Such affiliated sites may be schools, 大学, 大学, or other parks or urban botanical sites open to the public. The Missouri arboretum shall establish criteria for such affiliation.

(L. 1993 S.B. 第84§14小节. 8)

“批注, 脚注, annotations and index of the 密苏里州修订法规, are used by permission of the Joint Committee on Legislative Research, 版权持有人."