a - z指数



如果您不熟悉和记棋牌娱乐的流程,请 查看和记棋牌娱乐的程序在下面的手风琴

设计程序 & 过程


The Office of University 营销与传播 provides the marketing tools and experience that push our story forward in external markets. 优先地位 is given to projects associated with student recruitment in alignment with the strategic needs of the university. The office will produce projects for all other university departments as time permits.

Submission of a project request form does NOT guarantee acceptance of a submitted project. Due to the volume of requests we receive, ALL projects must be intended for an external audience.

If approved, the requestor will be notified of their project approval and approximate schedule.

项目直到 最后 接收内容.


Complete one form for each publication/design/project you need. All information must be completed and contain final content in order to start a project.


设计项目平均在 两周和八周 完成, 取决于项目的范围, 打印需求和办公室的工作量.


Please include all specification you know when you submit the request, these can be adjusted but up front information expedites the entire process

  • You will need the FOAP number that you would like your project charged.
  • 你也需要你所要求的数量.
  • Include any other parameters that are important for planning the project and affect how we create it. 

Your graphic designer will respond with an estimate after approving your design request.


If this is an update to a project that was previously designed by the University 营销与传播 office, 请提供您的编辑样例的硬拷贝.

If this is a new project and you have a specific look you desire, please submit a copy of a similar publication or your design ideas.


这些时间可以根据范围而变化, 优先级, the number of proofs you request or if a designer is out of the office.

  • While certain request may have a quicker turnaround, we can only guarantee so much. Smaller jobs may have a turnaround of two to four weeks from the time your final proofread copy is submitted and four to eight weeks for larger jobs.
  • Please note that our printers request up to two weeks for 印刷 and delivery 取决于项目的范围.


  • After submitting the project request form, please send any additional copy or files to design@vapitz.com.
  • 所有提交的复印件应为最终稿. Please proofread, edit and spell check before submitting your copy.
  • 通过电子邮件将Word文档中的文本提交至: design@vapitz.com.
  • You will be limited to a maximum of three proofs per design project. These proofs should catch only minor errors and changes, as copy should be final once submitted. 


  • 开始填写下面的项目请求.
  • After your project request is submitted a member of the design team will begin working on the request.  
  • 注意:当您提交此请求时,没有什么是最终的, we need to understand the scope of the project to begin working efficiently. 
  • 下一个, 和记棋牌娱乐的团队会给您发一封有问题的电子邮件, to set up a meeting or if all information is provided we will share a proof of the project.
  • After submitting your request, you can confirm it sent and check its status by viewing the 设计队列. (可能需要一到两分钟更新). 


The Office of University 营销与传播 provides the marketing tools and experience that push our story forward in external markets. 优先地位 is given to projects associated with student recruitment in alignment with the strategic needs of the university. The office will produce projects for all other university departments as time permits.

Submission of a project request form does NOT guarantee acceptance of a submitted project. Due to the volume of requests we receive, ALL projects must be intended for an external audience.

If approved, the requestor will be notified of their project approval and approximate schedule.

项目直到 最后 接收内容.


  • 如果时间允许,设计团队会给你发一份样稿.
  • You are only allowed 3 proofs, please have final content at the time you place the request.

打样(使用Adobe Share)

设计团队经常使用Adobe Share进行打样. 查看和记棋牌娱乐的帮助指南来学习这个工具. 



  • 检查 http://creative.vapitz.com/ to see if there are photos available that will suit your needs.
  • If photos are not available on the above website, contact University Photography at nwphotos@vapitz.com 提出一个特定的照片要求.
  • If an existing University photo does not serve your needs, you may select for free an existing stock photo that is available in University 营销与传播. 电子邮件 design@vapitz.com.
  • You also have the option to purchase your own stock imagery at the expense of your department. Bigstock Photo is one such company with images available for purchase, but you are welcome to use any other stock photo company.
  • Individuals should not use photos from the Internet without permission. Images taken from Google Images or other online sources may be trademarked or copyrighted, and you may be breaking the law by using one of these images.


  • When the project is established, the design team will quote the project with the appropriate vendor.
  • 您的项目需要哪种FOAP或付款方式? 
    • 校园 和记棋牌娱乐需要你们部门的FOAP. 这用于在邮件中打印 & 只提供印刷服务
    • 校外 印刷需要你们部门的PR#. Our team will use the info you provide to request a quote. 当和记棋牌娱乐的团队收到报价后, we will share a specification sheet with everything you need to submit for a PR(采购申请单). 
    • 在线订单 (things like swag/4 Imprint items) will be handled by your department (uploading and payment), 和记棋牌娱乐将提供设计方案.


  • 设计团队将订购许多项目 校园 印刷. Arrangements can be made if you would like to self order. 
  • 设计团队将下单 校外 字符后的打印 PR(采购申请单) 是共享的. 
  • 作为客户,你有责任 网上订购 (things like swag/4 Imprint items) after we supply the design.


Each office is responsible for ordering its own stationery items. Mail and Printing Services will prepare artwork, provide proofs and, once approved, print the order. Business cards, letterhead, envelopes and note cards are available. 订购这些物品的信息可在 文具定价和订购页面.


Please tell us about your project so we can better meet your needs. After 这种形式 is submitted, your designer will contact you to discuss your project further. 和记棋牌娱乐期待着与您合作!

此表格适用于未归类为文具的物品. Template business cards, template letterhead, template envelopes, template note cards. 如果您订购文具,请使用 这种形式.